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Despite having been published in a leading peer-reviewed journal and having had a presentation at the 2021 annual ISPID conference, I haven’t been able to move the needle an iota. The sad and frustrating fact is that through my easily verifiable research, the solution to the SIDS phenomenon is literally staring the medical/scientific community right in the face. But, because of the combination of quotes on the Home page AND the fear that any research into anything that might fall in the “anomalous” category might get them labelled a quack and cut off from salaries, tenure or research funding is enough to ensure their continued bias and willful blindness toward the data. If you’re still here reading this than you know with a perfect certainty that the data doesn’t lie!

So, here’s the invitation and action plan.

1. Nominate me as a TED Speaker here using the following:

Part 1: About You the Nominator (Please complete this section)

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Email Address:


Port Chester

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United States



Please share a brief biography that includes information about this potential future TED speaker’s connection to their talk topic.

Eric is a SIDS father who has acted as an independent researcher since the loss of his first-born son in 1987. His website convinced me that he does as he claims, have research that provides a sure, early-warning for impending SIDS events. His research precisely identified and detailed aspects of my child’s character/nature and of my time with him/her that when presented together act as the early warning system.

It was remarkable to see my personal, private experience so succinctly and accurately summarized and cathartic to learn that I was not the anomaly in this tragic phenomenon. (Of course, please feel free to put this last paragraph in your own words )

What is the unique idea that they want to share in a TED talk? In a few sentences, please describe the core of the talk idea, and what makes the talk idea new.

Using SIDS parents’ first-person survey results, Eric has shown that there exists a number of common anomalous factors that present over the course of the SIDS phenomenon and that the presence of these provide an early-warning system for an impending SIDS event. For example, 48.98% of the SIDS Parents respondents indicated that they had experienced a premonition regarding the future death of their child compared to 1.88% in the Control Group of Non-SIDS Parents. (P-value 1.455414e-16 - Fisher’s exact test)

The unique idea is that the medical/scientific community has avoided any serious study into these findings and previous studies over the past three decades (see the citations in the Neonatology Today article by clicking "Download" below) because of their bias towards any area of research that might fall into the “anomalous” category. Data doesn’t lie and the study results are easily verifiable. 

In one sentence, what is the key takeaway that you want the audience to know or feel after hearing this talk?

Validation and comfort regarding the anomalous aspects experienced by those that have been directly affected by the loss of their child to SIDS and a wakeup call to the medical/scientific community to take off the bias blinders and take advantage of the "early warning system" this research provides.

“As a scientist, I must be mindful of the lessons of the past; all too often it has happened that matters of great value to science were overlooked because the new phenomenon simply did not fit the accepted scientific outlook of the time.” J. Allen Hyneck

Under which of the following categories would this person fall?


Has this person spoken publicly before? If so, where?

Yes, Eric has extensive public speaking experience as a marketing executive, a trainer in the field of Color Therapy, and within leadership roles in his religious life.

Please provide links to online video or audio featuring the proposed speaker.

None available.

Please provide links to any articles or web pages about the speaker.

Do you know this person personally? - It’s okay if you do not.


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